
Talleres de Desarrollo de Liderazgo

Workshops y talleres para empresas orientados a desarrollar el liderazgo y mejorar los resultados del negocio.
Formato adaptado a las necesidades de cada organización de 1/2 día, 1 día o 2 días.

Conoce más sobre los Talleres y Seminarios de Desarrollo de Liderazgo

Liderazgo con inteligencia Emocional

Para maximizar la propia efectividad en situaciones de alta presión.

Seminario web en vivo de 60’

Lo que te trajo aquí, no te llevará allá

Seminario web en vivo de 60’

¿Cómo motivar y generar compromisos en los empleados?

Para que el trabajo de los empleados sea mas satisfactorio y productivo.

Seminario web en vivo de 60’

Superando las cinco disfunciones de un equipo

Para fortalecer el trabajo en equipo de forma remota.

Seminario web en vivo de 60’



Guido is visionary leader and a extraordinary person, I am glad tohad the chance of working in his team. As an strategic mentor isone of the best.

Fernando López Sansalvador

Ingeniería en Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México

“Guido is an accomplished Master Corporate Executive Coach who when working within an organization becomes an enterprise-wide business partner. He integrates his experience as an executive in the automotive industry, with his advanced training in coaching, including Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching, to help top teams to become high performers & achieve company goals. As an extra, he is fluent in English, Spanish, and of course his native tongue, Italian.”

Ana Melikian

Founder of - Learn | Impact | Enjoy

“I’ve had the honor to take care, along with Patricia Carracedo Justicia, of the production and recording of the books published by Guido Cattaneo” How to go beyond your life through a diary ” and ” The plan of my life”. I can definitely say that the knowledge handed down by Guido in his books has enhanced my way of catching up with my personal and professional goals, and that is a real gift. Guido Cattaneo has something to hand on and, what is of the utmost importance, he knows how to do it.”

Nicolas Veneri Rodriguez


“Mr. Cattaneo is a great human being, from whom I received the honor of getting a huge opportunity in my career. He trusted in my experience and my skills in times of turmoil, and for that, I feel more than grateful forever. He is very analytical, whose door is always open, to get involved in daily operations, providing a clear and accurate approach of any given work or situation. He is kind and a great leader.”

Samantha Seymour-Raimond

Customer Service

“Guido is one of the most trustworthy professionals I have had the grand opportunity to meet, and to work with. Guido is precise, detailed, focused, self motivated, resilient able to deliver results above any expectation. ”

Dr. Mercedes Jahn


“Mi nombre es Nestor Santtia y quiero tomarme unos minutos para expresar por que pongo mi referencia 
a este magnífico COACH y amigo Guido Cattaneo, Conocí a Guido casualmente en un evento público y
su capacidad de análisis y trato con las personas me asombró inmediatamente. Después de largas horas de charla y conocimiento personal decidí contratarlo para ayudarme a reestructurar mi empresa y mi vida, ya que me encontraba en la necesidad de hacer modificaciones en las dos, pero no estaba seguro donde empezar, cual eran los pasos prioritarios y como tomar acción, lo más rápido posible para RE-ENCONTRAR el camino y obtener los resultados que buscaba. Pero fue su capacidad de síntesis, su forma de hacer entender los temas complejos en una manera simple, y su estilo de colaboración, a veces también riguroso, han sido fundamentales para plantear mi futuro, proteger mi negocio y lanzar nuevos proyectos. Por eso GUIDO quiero agradecerte por tu sincera ayuda y estoy seguro que muchas otras personas podrán beneficiarse con tus servicios. “

Nestor Santtia


“Guido is a very complete professional, which means he manages to weigh in all the different standpoints involved in a decision process. From the human level up to the numerical analysis. He can always provide a different point of view and add value to the discussion or business. He was very helpful in guiding some of my decisions in the past.”

Martin Marini


“I have had the pleasure of working with Guido and there is nothing but praise that I can give for abilities and business acumen. He is has a very sound business mind and has ability to analyze situations and is able to break down into simple tasks that makes him very unique in his approach. His strengths in financial analysis, strategic thinking and leadership make him a great executive coach. I highly recommend him for any business leader looking for a great well rooted, creative and ethical team player in their personal and business pursuits.”

Irfan Abji

CEO / President

“I worked with Guido Cattaneo at ZF Sachs Mexico as Operations Manager . Guido is an excellent leader with strong focus on the results. He knows how to lead one company to the success in the turnaround process. Has a strong knowledge of the business and know exactly where to act to change the final result. He has
an impressive way to develop his team and conduct them to the sucess. Thank you very much.”

Anderson Esgrinholi

Plant Manager

“Trabajé con Guido en un proyecto de transformación cultural en el que involucró a la organización en su totalidad que nos permitió generar una cultura de alto desempeño, con resultados excelentes. Con su estilo de comunicación abierto y sincero, se creó un compromiso total por parte de todos los empleados y trabajadores alineados a la visión de la empresa que supo adaptarse a la complejidad de un crecimiento agresivo y una cultura de calidad y servicio al cliente. Guido antes que todos, es un convencido que la atención al respeto de las personas y al capital humano contribuyen considerablemente al éxito de la empresa. “

Ignacio Batis

Director de Recursos Humanos

“Guido es un excelente líder con visión empresarial a corto, mediano y largo plazo que desarrolla la planeación estratégica idónea para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización, usando como fundamento el Empowerment y el trabajo en equipo. Posee la capacidad de desarrollar a los lideres de la organización
para su crecimiento. gracias a su liderazgo Tiene la habilidad de detectar los potenciales de las personas y desarrolla planes de crecimiento convirtiéndose en un facilitador, para que el equipo directivo cumpla con los objetivos de la empresa.”

Enrique de la Torre

Director de Operaciones

“Guido Cattaneo is a person with an extraordinary vision of business, has the ability to create highly competitive work teams and focus them on to the results. He has the skills and leadership to create value even in complex and adverse business.”

Luis Guillermo Rodriguez Nava

Director TI

“During the transition of Rassini Frenos from aftermarket supplier to a leading Tier 1 auto supplier, I worked for Guido as Chief Product Engineer. He was a natural leader whose cordial and respectful way of dealing with people at all levels helped build a close-knit team that worked hard toward company success. He developed and articulated the company vision and objectives to the team in a very clear way. During this transition there were many challenges and Guido demonstrated his excellent judgment and flexibility to deal with the unexpected. He had an exceptional ability to identify employees with potential and worked with them to develop their potential. He understood the importance of product quality and technology to the future of the company and actively worked to improve these areas. I enjoyed his strong support both in terms of policies and investment as I built the Tier 1 product engineering technical center. Guido was always very honest and open in his dealing with customers and this which made a significant contribution toward winning their respect and growing our future business opportunities.”

George Waterman, P.E.

Director of Product Engineering

“Recomiendo ampliamente a Guido Cattaneo como CEO y líder de empresa y organización por su visión proyectiva en los negocios y por crear una imagen y metas que todos desean alcanzar además de inspirar a otros a hacer lo mismo. El enfoque de Guido por el alto desempeño se convierte en un tangible que hace diferencia competitiva con otras organizaciones. He walks the talk… Héctor González”

Héctor González M

Director Desarrollo Organizacional

“Guido is a very strategical and visionary business executive. He has very strong financial and manufacturing skills which highly contribute to achieve success when managing a large company. I strongly recommend Guido.”

Cesar Garibay

Quality Director

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